Anoxia (Anoxia) asiatica Desbrochers des Loges, 1872

This species can be differentiated from A.villosa having sternites with short hairs mixed to scale-like hairs instead of simple long hairs.
It is described from Turkey (Locus Typ.: Bosdag) and recorded from Armenia, Iraq, and Syria. However Baraud (1990) says that the record for Syria can be probably attributed to localities nowday in Turkey. From Romania is described Anoxia asiatica ssp. montandoni.
A.syriaca Brenske, 1894, is considered synonymus of A.asiatica.

Anoxia asiatica
photo Sabatinelli
Anoxia asiatica
photo Sabatinelli
Anoxia asiatica
photo Sabatinelli
Anoxia asiatica
from Baraud

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